Empowering Community Decisions with Proposals

Empowering Community Decisions with Proposals's featured image

Last updated: August 3, 2024


Friends and fellow tinkerers, gather around. Here at Idea Vote, we're not just about pushing pixels and counting clicks. We’re on a mission—a mission to make your voices heard and your insights matter. So, grab a seat because we’ve got something special for you: Proposals. Think of it as your direct line to shaping the future of the products you care about.

We all know the thrill of building something from scratch, pouring our hearts and souls into every line of code, every design choice. But as any seasoned developer or indie maker will tell you, the real magic happens when your users get involved. Their feedback, ideas, and suggestions are the lifeblood that can turn a good product into a great one. That’s where Idea Vote steps in, providing a platform where you can effortlessly engage with your community.

But we’re not stopping there. Our new feature, Proposals, is designed to take this engagement to the next level. It's about more than just gathering feedback—it's about empowering our community to make decisions that shape the future of the products they love. A way to ensure that the most important decisions are made by those who care the most.

The Power of Proposals

Now, let’s not beat around the bush. Proposals are your ticket to making serious suggestions. Not the everyday, run-of-the-mill feedback, mind you. We’re talking about the kind of input that can turn the ship around. Unlike our regular posts where everyone gets one vote, Proposals use a more sophisticated method. It’s about giving the right weight to the right voices.

How It Works

In our current system, everyone gets one vote per post. It’s simple, it’s straightforward, and it works for day-to-day feedback. But when it comes to significant decisions—those that can really impact the direction of a product—we need a system that’s a bit more robust.

Enter the blockchain-like voting system. In this new setup, not all votes are created equal. Only certain users will be eligible to vote on Proposals, ensuring that the decisions are made by those who are most invested in the platform. So, who gets to vote?

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Active Engagement: Users who actively participate in the community—posting feedback, commenting, and interacting regularly—are prioritized. This ensures that the most engaged and active members have a say in the big decisions.
  2. Tenure: Long-term users who have been part of the community for an extended period. Their loyalty and experience are valuable, and their votes carry more weight.
  3. Potential Token Holdings: Although not yet implemented, future plans may include weighting votes based on token holdings, aligning users' influence with their investment in the platform.

This way, we’re not just counting votes; we’re weighing wisdom. By considering these factors, we ensure that the most dedicated and knowledgeable members of the community are making the decisions that matter most.

Voting Power and Its Calculation

Voting power is a critical component of the Proposals feature. It reflects a user's influence on the decision-making process based on their engagement, tenure, and potentially token holdings. Here’s how it’s determined:

  1. Engagement Score: This score is derived from various activities such as posting feedback, commenting, voting, and overall interaction with the platform.
  2. Tenure: The length of time a user has been active on the platform, with longer tenures increasing voting power.
  3. Future Token Holdings: Although not yet implemented, this could provide an additional layer of influence based on the user's investment in the platform.

Here's a sample PHP function to calculate the voting power:

class User {
    public $engagementScore;
    public $tenureInMonths;

    public function __construct($engagementScore, $tenureInMonths) {
        $this->engagementScore = $engagementScore;
        $this->tenureInMonths = $tenureInMonths;

    public function calculateVotingPower() {
        $basePower = 1;
        $engagementWeight = 0.5;
        $tenureWeight = 0.3;

        // Calculate weighted scores
        $engagementComponent = $this->engagementScore * $engagementWeight;
        $tenureComponent = ($this->tenureInMonths / 12) * $tenureWeight; // Assuming tenure in years

        // Total voting power
        $votingPower = $basePower + $engagementComponent + $tenureComponent;

        return $votingPower;

// Example usage
$user = new User(100, 24); // 100 engagement score, 24 months tenure
echo $user->calculateVotingPower(); // Output the calculated voting power

This function considers engagement and tenure to determine a user’s voting power, ensuring that those who contribute the most have the greatest influence.

Quorum and Approval Percentages

We’re not just throwing darts in the dark here. Two key metrics guide us: quorum percentage and approval percentage.

Quorum Percentage

Think of the quorum as the minimum attendance needed to make a decision legit. If enough of you show up and vote, we’re in business. It’s about making sure a small group doesn’t call all the shots.

Approval Percentage

Next, we have the approval percentage. This is the line in the sand that ‘Yes’ votes need to cross for a proposal to pass. High enough participation and a strong consensus mean we’re greenlit.

These metrics ensure we’re playing fair and square, with decisions reflecting the community’s true colors.

Current One-Person-One-Vote System

Don’t worry, our trusty one-person-one-vote system isn’t going anywhere. It’s still the go-to for everyday posts and feedback. Quick, simple, and easy—just the way you like it.

Why It Matters

Let’s cut to the chase. Community-based products live and die by their users’ input. By rolling out Proposals, we’re giving you a bigger, better stake in the game. It’s about empowering you to shape the products you love, leading to smarter decisions and a more invested community.


Here at Idea Vote, we believe the Proposals feature is a game-changer. With a blockchain-like voting system, we’re making sure the most engaged and dedicated among you have the biggest say. As we fine-tune and test this feature, we’re excited about the potential it holds.

So, stay tuned, folks!